Ok, I was thinking I'd try and keep the blog posts to one a day or slightly less. In this case, I'll make an exception. I just finished buying my Glee: The Music, Vol. 3 - Showstoppers (Deluxe Edition) and it made me so excited for tomorrow's episode of Glee!
If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard of Glee, I cannot in good conscience allow you to continue on in such a sad, sad existence. As an intro, here's the teaser for tomorrow night's episode "Theatricality."
More awesomely, here is the video of the Glee cast, who is currently on tour (sad panda that they're not making it to Boston. NYC road trip anyone?) performing Lady Gaga's - Bad Romance, complete with full on Gaga attire!
Now, although I believe that everyone should be involved in this awesome phenomenon of Glee, I wouldn't personally recommend hopping on the Glee train if you haven't been keeping up. The characters' storylines are at a point where they'd seem even more preposterous than they always are if you hadn't seen where they started.
Before people start getting on their TV soapbox, the important thing to remember about Glee is that it's completely over-the-top satire whose stereotypical archetypes only exist to meet that end-goal of poking fun at anything and everything about high school. At any rate, if you're a Gleek, tune in tomorrow. I usually miss the TV airing of it, but I'm sure it'll make it into Wednesday's blog post after I get a chance to watch this episode that I'm about to pee my pants over. Until then, watch out for jumpers, and get your Gaga on!
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